Competition of Innovative Startup Projects Sikorsky Chalenge 2024

You are invited to take part in the XIII Competition of Innovative Startup Projects and present your project on one of the most important annual events in the field of innovation in Ukraine. 

The purpose of this event is to identify the most interesting and up-to-date projects in various fields of technology, and to provide the authors of the best of them with assistance in commercialization, creation of successful start-up companies, and bringing innovative products to the national and international markets.


The competition of startups is one of the most important annual events in the field of innovation in Ukraine. It usually involves project developers in many fields of science and technology as well as representatives of large investment business


The competition will be held in October, 2024

Benefits of the Competition

Official Status


The Ecosystem “Sikorsky Challenge” was created on the basis of the NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and the Science Park “Kyivska Polytechnika” that ensures high results. 

Training and Mentoring

Training by business trainers specializing in startups; advising and mentoring by mentors and investors.


 Real Investment


The prize-winners of the Competition sign Protocols of Intentions with investors and start preparing for the joint implementation of their projects.


Collaboration and Partnership

We have created a reliable and profit able ecosystem for investment andventure funds, private investors, business angels and international experts.


In 2022, the Startup Projects Competition was held in a mixed format, that is, there were online and "live" pitches of the projects. The international jury evaluated not only "live" presentations, but also video presentations of the finalists.


Format of the Innovative Startup Projects Competition Sikorsky Challenge 2024 will depend on the war situation in the country.


Acceptance of applications has begun and will last until September 15, 2024.

Before February 24, 2022, the areas of innovative development of the country, namely, defense and security, industrial high-tech and space, biological engineering, information technology and cybersecurity, energy and ecology, agricultural engineering were equally important for the SCU. Now the priorities have changed and the main sphere of innovative development is defense and security, from which other high-tech areas are branching off.


The paradigm of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should be based on the rapid and effective implementation of innovative technologies and developments in all areas of the country's security, defense and economy, therefore today the scope of the Competition's interests mainly covers engineering innovation projects, and the final of the Competition will take place in the following sections: 

  • Information technology, cybersecurity
  • Industrial high-tech, aviation and space
  • Civil and military infrastructure
  • Environmental and energy security
  • Biomedical engineering and human health
  • Agricultural engineering and food security
  • Transport and logistics
  • Blue Economy (Maritime Transport, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Costal and Maritime Tourism)

Applications for participation in the Competition can be submitted by students, graduate students, entrepreneurs, scientists and employees of higher educational institutions and research institutions, as well as other natural persons from all regions of Ukraine and foreing countries.


During the applying process, the International Expert Council will promptly review the submitted applications and select projects that will reach the final of the Competition.


The International Expert Council includes specialists and mentors of the Innovation Holding “Sikorsky Challenge”, experts of the Igor Sikorsky KPI and investment funds, experts from Israel and the USA.


By September 15, the International Expert Council will determine the finalists of the Competition, and instructional guidelines on the preparation of video presentations will be sent to them.


The finalists will be trained online to prepare video presentations of their projects. They have to send their video presentations to the Organizing Committee by September 25.


All video presentations of the finalists' projects will be posted on the web resources of the Startup Competition and will be available for review.


The winners of the Competition will be selected in the following nominations:

  • The best project idea
  • The best technological solution
  • The best solution to the problems of potential customers
  • The best business model

The teams of these projects will receive money awards from the Innovation Holding “Sikorsky Challenge” and its partners.

Representatives of investment companies will choose interesting projects and will sign Protocols of Intent to invest in future startups with projects teams. 

We invite you to become a Sponsor or Partner of the Startup School and the Festival of Innovative Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2024” and gain various advertising options according to your requirements and wishes.


We invite you to join our Competition as an expert and investor. We are sure that you will find interesting projects for you at the Competition, and we hope for fruitful cooperation.

 You can get acquainted with the projects that were submitted to the startup competition in 2017-2023

For all questions regarding the Startup Competition 2024, please mail to the coordinator of the Competition Tatiana Kresan